Shop 5K1 49190NYK HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®

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Shop 5K1 49190NYK HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®




Shop 5K1 49190NYK HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®


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5K1 49190NYK, HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®

Gear Set: This pump utilizes a pair of interlocking gears, typically helical or spur gears, which are responsible for drawing in hydraulic fluid and forcing it out at a higher pressure.

These gears must have tight tolerances to prevent fluid leakage and ensure a reliable performance. Housing: The gear set is enclosed within a sturdy housing, often made of durable materials like cast iron or aluminum alloy. The housing provides protection and support to the internal components. Inlet and Outlet Ports: The pump features inlet and outlet ports through which hydraulic fluid enters and exits the pump. These ports are equipped with connectors for hoses or tubing to facilitate fluid flow. Shaft: A drive shaft connects to an external power source, typically an electric motor or an engine, which drives the gear set's rotation. This rotational motion creates suction and pressure within the pump. Seals and Bearings: Seals prevent fluid from leaking at critical points within the pump, while bearings ensure smooth and reliable gear movement, reducing friction and wear. Working Principle: The operation of the 5K1 49190NYK hydraulic gear pump can be summarized in a few key steps:

Inlet Phase: As the pump's gears rotate, they create a void on the inlet side of the pump.

This causes hydraulic fluid to be drawn into the pump through the inlet port due to the pressure difference. Meshing Gears: As the gears continue to rotate, they mesh together, trapping the hydraulic fluid within the pump's chambers. Pressure Phase: As the gears rotate further, the trapped fluid is forced out of the pump through the outlet port. The meshing gears gradually reduce the chamber volume, increasing the fluid pressure. Outlet Phase: Finally, the high-pressure fluid exits the pump and is directed to the hydraulic system, where it can perform various tasks, such as lifting heavy machinery or driving hydraulic motors.
Product Detail
5K1 49190NYK, HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®

Gear Set: This pump utilizes a pair of interlocking gears, typically helical or spur gears, which are responsible for drawing in hydraulic fluid and forcing it out at a higher pressure.

These gears must have tight tolerances to prevent fluid leakage and ensure a reliable performance. Housing: The gear set is enclosed within a sturdy housing, often made of durable materials like cast iron or aluminum alloy. The housing provides protection and support to the internal components. Inlet and Outlet Ports: The pump features inlet and outlet ports through which hydraulic fluid enters and exits the pump. These ports are equipped with connectors for hoses or tubing to facilitate fluid flow. Shaft: A drive shaft connects to an external power source, typically an electric motor or an engine, which drives the gear set's rotation. This rotational motion creates suction and pressure within the pump. Seals and Bearings: Seals prevent fluid from leaking at critical points within the pump, while bearings ensure smooth and reliable gear movement, reducing friction and wear. Working Principle: The operation of the 5K1 49190NYK hydraulic gear pump can be summarized in a few key steps:

Inlet Phase: As the pump's gears rotate, they create a void on the inlet side of the pump.

This causes hydraulic fluid to be drawn into the pump through the inlet port due to the pressure difference. Meshing Gears: As the gears continue to rotate, they mesh together, trapping the hydraulic fluid within the pump's chambers. Pressure Phase: As the gears rotate further, the trapped fluid is forced out of the pump through the outlet port. The meshing gears gradually reduce the chamber volume, increasing the fluid pressure. Outlet Phase: Finally, the high-pressure fluid exits the pump and is directed to the hydraulic system, where it can perform various tasks, such as lifting heavy machinery or driving hydraulic motors.
Shop 5K1 49190NYK HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®
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