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Shop 5B1 57050REN HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®




Shop 5B1 57050REN HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®


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5B1 57050REN, HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®

The 5B1 57050REN hydraulic gear pump belongs to the category of positive displacement pumps, specifically a gear pump.

It is designed with precision-engineered gears that mesh together to create a constant flow of hydraulic fluid. Flow Rate and Pressure Range: This hydraulic gear pump is capable of delivering a variable flow rate, which typically ranges from 0 to 17 gallons per minute (GPM). It is also known for its ability to handle a wide range of hydraulic pressures, with a typical range of 500 to 3000 psi (pounds per square inch). Mounting Configuration: The 5B1 57050REN pump is designed for versatile mounting configurations. It can be mounted in various orientations to accommodate the specific needs of the hydraulic system it is integrated into. Sealing Mechanism: The pump is equipped with advanced sealing mechanisms, such as lip seals or viton seals, to prevent leakage and ensure the efficient transfer of hydraulic fluid. These seals are critical for maintaining the integrity of the hydraulic system.

Efficiency and Performance: One of the key advantages of the 5B1 57050REN hydraulic gear pump is its high efficiency.

Its precise engineering ensures minimal internal leakage and energy loss, resulting in improved overall system performance and reduced energy consumption. Noise Level: This hydraulic gear pump is designed with noise reduction in mind. It operates at relatively low noise levels compared to some other types of hydraulic pumps, making it suitable for applications where noise control is important. Maintenance and Serviceability: Routine maintenance of this pump typically involves checking and replacing seals and monitoring the condition of the gears. The simplicity of its design and the availability of replacement parts make it relatively easy to maintain and service. Temperature Range: The pump is designed to operate efficiently within a broad temperature range. Depending on the materials used, it can handle temperatures from -40°C to 120°C (-40°F to 248°F) or higher, making it suitable for various environmental conditions.

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Product Detail
5B1 57050REN, HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®

The 5B1 57050REN hydraulic gear pump belongs to the category of positive displacement pumps, specifically a gear pump.

It is designed with precision-engineered gears that mesh together to create a constant flow of hydraulic fluid. Flow Rate and Pressure Range: This hydraulic gear pump is capable of delivering a variable flow rate, which typically ranges from 0 to 17 gallons per minute (GPM). It is also known for its ability to handle a wide range of hydraulic pressures, with a typical range of 500 to 3000 psi (pounds per square inch). Mounting Configuration: The 5B1 57050REN pump is designed for versatile mounting configurations. It can be mounted in various orientations to accommodate the specific needs of the hydraulic system it is integrated into. Sealing Mechanism: The pump is equipped with advanced sealing mechanisms, such as lip seals or viton seals, to prevent leakage and ensure the efficient transfer of hydraulic fluid. These seals are critical for maintaining the integrity of the hydraulic system.

Efficiency and Performance: One of the key advantages of the 5B1 57050REN hydraulic gear pump is its high efficiency.

Its precise engineering ensures minimal internal leakage and energy loss, resulting in improved overall system performance and reduced energy consumption. Noise Level: This hydraulic gear pump is designed with noise reduction in mind. It operates at relatively low noise levels compared to some other types of hydraulic pumps, making it suitable for applications where noise control is important. Maintenance and Serviceability: Routine maintenance of this pump typically involves checking and replacing seals and monitoring the condition of the gears. The simplicity of its design and the availability of replacement parts make it relatively easy to maintain and service. Temperature Range: The pump is designed to operate efficiently within a broad temperature range. Depending on the materials used, it can handle temperatures from -40°C to 120°C (-40°F to 248°F) or higher, making it suitable for various environmental conditions.
Shop 5B1 57050REN HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP | Partsdic®
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